Annual review 2020
Review founding year 2020
The year 2020 will be remembered by all of us in many ways. Each of us had one or the other challenge, change and transition to accept and master, and each of us certainly also had our beautiful experiences.
For us as a family, one of the highlights of the year was certainly the founding of our “Herz in Afrika (Heart in Africa)” association in July. A project that had been dormant in our minds for a long time and was finally realised thanks to the time freed up in the Covid pandemic year. With a lot of pride, but also with a lot of satisfaction, we look back on the first months of our heart’s project.
July 2020: Foundation of the association
We found our association and are full of ideas and drive. A first plan is a self-designed Africa calendar, which we would like to sell and donate the net proceeds. With our friends from South Africa, Stella and Marc, we have two professional photographers on board with us. IIn the first year, the proceeds will go to the Nice View Children's Village in Kenya. More about the foundation of the association...
August 2020: There is much to do...
We are working flat out on the design of our calendar. Besides, a homepage with a shop has to be created, an association account has to be opened and the application to the tax authorities for tax exemption has to be made... We don't get bored. And since the Corona numbers are low, we are also planning the first sales events for the autumn and registering for the Arlesheim Christmas market.
September 2020: The Africa calendar is ready
Our first Africa calendar is ready - it's a great feeling to actually hold the first copy in your hands! But also a bit nervous: will we be able to sell a calendar at all? What will the feedback be like? Read more about our Africa calendar...
We want our shop to be bright, colourful and versatile all year round. So we are busy doing handicrafts and get great support from Melanie's godmother. A big thank you!
October 2020: Heart in Africa is online
The time has come - we are going online! So we write to family, relatives, friends and acquaintances and introduce them to our project. The very first feedback is overwhelming and very soon the first orders, patronages, donations and also congratulations are received. What a happy feeling, it can go on like this.
We also succeeded in winning Bider & Tanner, a bookshop in Basel, for our project and we are allowed to give a few of our calendars on commission for sale.
Unfortunately, we have to cancel our autumn matinée and all other planned events, as the development of the pandemic and the high number of cases abruptly intersect our plans.
It's going on. Every day we receive orders and our boxes of calendars are emptying. Through the social media postings of "Projekt Schwarz-Weiss" ( (nochmals ein herzliches Dankeschön!) wird man auch in Deutschland auf uns aufmerksam und wir können – offene Grenzen sei Dank – zweimal wöchentlich der deutschen Post einen Besuch abstatten und zahlreiche Kalender in unser Nachbarland und andere Länder Europas versenden.
In addition, we received the joyful news that the cantonal tax administration confirmed the non-profit status of "Heart in Africa" and that our association is therefore tax-exempt and donations are fully deductible. More on the tax exemption...
DECEMBER 2020: End of the year
Oh God! No more calendars... We decided to order four more boxes and keep our fingers crossed for ourselves... On 21 December we will send out the very last calendar :-). The calendars that we were allowed to commission from Bider & Tanner were also all sold - a wonderful feeling with which we look forward to the end of the year.
January 2021: Conclusion and crowning of the association year
he net proceeds of the calendar sale amounted to the proud sum of Euro 3,500.00, which we were able to transfer to Projekt Schwarz-Weiss for the Nice View Children's Village in January - we think this is a good start and an incentive for the new year.
As the crowning glory of our first year as an association, it is indeed possible for us to travel to Kenya in January / February 2021. The highlight of our trip is the visit to Nice View, where we can show the children our calendar. We all become even more aware of what we were able to achieve with our association in 2020 and therefore go into 2021 highly motivated!
To our travel report including Video of the Nice View visit.
PS: February - Happy Surprise
It was a matter of honour for us to send one of the first calendar copies to our photographers / friends Stella and Marc in South Africa already in October. We were very happy when the calendar arrived at the end of February 🙂
"Lived thinking is the most valuable".
(Monika Minder)
Yes, we continue 😊. We would have liked to present one or the other planned event here, but unfortunately the pandemic still does not allow for binding planning.
What is certain, however, is that there will again be a calendar with fantastic photos by Stella & Marc and the proceeds will again go to the Nice View Children’s Village. During our visit in February this year, we learnt that the pandemic has also left its mark on Nice View and is still doing so, and we realised that our support here is in the right place this year as well.
We also have one or two ideas for our shop that we would like to implement. You see, we don’t get bored.